In today’s fast-changing world, even the most effective of us will get overly stressed and risk burnout, if we do not learn how to strategically and reliably relax and recharge ourselves on the go.
It’s not only about saving your sanity and beating burnout, but you also want to be your most energised, calm, clear and focused self, so that you can create the freedom, success and joie de vivre you want – without horrendous hassle, the perils of pills and pick-me-ups, or losing another second of your time and sleep over unsustainable self-care regimes.
What you really need is a new, natural, fast, effective and forever sustainable way to relax, recharge and renew yourself before it’s too late.
Overcome Stress, avoid Burnout and feel like yourself again.
Download Your Free Practical Guide!
The Natural Energy Insider Guide:
How to Recharge Yourself on the go
and keep Burnout at Bay!
In this eye-opening, value-packed, practical guide,
you will learn the following and much more:
2 Instant Natural Energy Techniques to refresh your mind
Learn how to release mental tension and neurological stress in seconds.
3 Vital Natural Energy Truths that will set you free
Find out paradigm-shifting truths you need to know before it’s too late!
3 Essential Natural Energy Insights to lead the way
Discover the clear, actionable roadmap for taking back control of your Energy!
The time-saving Energy-Infusion Secret
Get the inside scoop on how to “Recharge Yourself on the Go” without needing to carve out extra time.
Enjoy the Surprise Bonus Energy Tool that will make you smile!
Try out the popular 1-Minute nature-smart technique that my students love.
As Featured On:
Hi, I’m Susanne.
For much of my life, I wanted more energy.
Discovering how Nature could help me relax, recharge and renew myself quickly, effortlessly and joyfully changed everything for me.
I am here to help you do the same.
Did you know that when your thoughts are restless, ruminating in anxious circles, or you lack focus, it can be a simple sign that you have temporarily depleted your mental energy?
Or that when you think you are physically tired, you may be emotionally drained instead?
To maintain and grow your overall energy capacity, you need to keep spending and recovering your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy in specific ways.
The good news is, that you were designed to spend and recover your energy naturally.
However, we often don’t realise our urgent need to strategically manage our energy to avoid burnout, and we no longer know effective energy management tools that meet the extreme demands of our modern world.
"Your Personal Energy is the Secret To Your Success, Freedom and Fulfilment
Nature holds the key to your Personal Energy".
- Susanne Meis, Founder: Meet in Nature.
"The Future will belong to the nature-smart - those individuals, families, businesses, and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need! "
- Richard Louv, Author: "The Nature Principle"
Get Started Here:
With your free, practical Natural Energy Insider Guide -
How to Recharge Yourself on the go and keep Burnout at Bay!
© Copyrights 2017 - 2025 Susanne Meis. All Rights Reserved. Susanne Meis refers to the Susanne Meis strategic alliance of Meet In Nature, Purple and Orange and/or one or more of its members, each of which is a separate legal entity.